Parameters =========== * ``-d`` or ``--domain`` This argument is used to provide the domained that is to be enumerated. Ex: ``python -d`` * ``-b`` or ``--bruteforce`` With this argument following tools will be used for enumeration:: - massdns - sublist3r - enumall - amass - subfinder * ``-p`` or ``--ports`` This argument is used to use different port for enumeration. * ``-q`` or ``--quicks`` This argument is used to do a quick domain enumeration. This will use only two tools: - Amass - Subfinder * ``--upgrade`` This argument is used to upgrade the installed tools. * ``--install`` This argument is used to install all the tools required by domained. * ``--vpn`` This argument is used to check if you are connected to a VPN. * ``--bruteall`` This argument is used to let domained use `LevelUp All.txt Subdomain List `_. * ``--fresh`` This argument is used to remove ``output`` directory and start the scan with fresh eyes. * ``--notify`` This argument is used to notify user when the script is finished. There are two ways to notify the user - `Pushover `_ notification - Email To use this argument modify the `notifycfg.ini <../ext/notifycfg.ini>`_ file. * ``--active`` This argument is used to run ``eyewitness`` with `active scan `_. * ``--noeyewitness`` This argument is for not using ``eyewitness`` for output reporting.